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Tag: Jannis Zamanduridis

DRB-Sperre gegen Nachwuchstalent unrechtmäßig

DRB-Sperre gegen Nachwuchstalent unrechtmäßig

Ungläubig und leicht verzweifelt hat das Eisleber Ringernachwuchstalent Dominik Klann von der Sperre des Deutschen Ringerbundes (DRB) gegen seine Person erfahren. Nach dem Willen des DRB darf Dominik zehn Monate nicht an ringkampfsportlichen Einzel- und Mannschaftswettkämpfen in Deutschland teilnehmen. Damit wäre ihm der Start zur Deutschen Junioren-Meisterschaft an diesem Wochenende verwehrt und das nur, weil er für den KAV in der neu gegründeten Deutschen Ringerliga (DRL) antrat. Andreas Kraus, Geschäftsführer des KAV, versteht die Ringerwelt nicht mehr. In vielen Gesprächen…

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DRB ban against junior talent unlawful

DRB ban against junior talent unlawful

Junior Eisleber wrestling talent Dominik Klann heard with disbelief and slight despair of his suspension by the German Wrestling League. According to the GWL Dominik is not allowed to compete in neither team nor individual wrestling events in Germany for a period of 10 months. This would mean he will be barred from starting in the German Junior Championships this weekend and that only because he competed for the KAV in the newly formed German Wrestling League. Andreas Kraus, KAV…

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Statement by the DRL on the publication of an interview by Mr. Daniel Wozniak on the homepage of the DRB on 13.01.2017 „The door is always open“

Statement by the DRL on the publication of an interview by Mr. Daniel Wozniak on the homepage of the DRB on 13.01.2017 „The door is always open“

On 06.01.2017, the DRB, represented by the President Manfred Werner, the Vice President Günter Maienschein and the sporting director Jannis Zamanduridis, in Werdau, told the present representatives of the clubs from the associations of Sachsen and Sachsen-Anhalt, the statements of Hr. Wozniak would express a private opinion that is not in accordance with the official opinion of the DRB. This makes it easier to overlook the numerous mistakes and incomplete rendition of facts in the interview, which, although wanting to…

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